Thursday, January 7, 2010

Just Another Reason to Go to Green Goddess

They are appreciative. In his most recent blog post, Chef Chris DeBarr takes time to thank the fans:

"Of course, the biggest thanks goes out to all our guests, not just at the NYE Gala, but to those who found us thus far in the remarkable course of connecting our ideas with the dining public in New Orleans. Without our hungry customers coming in and plunking their hard-earned money down for our food & libations, The Green Goddess would've been just an ephemeral notion. Our success is your success, too, and we appreciate all the fun-loving support thus far in our dining adventures at The Green Goddess." 

Find the entire post here at his blog.  I wish I had some money so I could have gone. It sounds like it was a delicious experience. Find reviews of this unique little restaurant here, here, and here. And if you haven't been, make it a priority. And bring lots of money. The food prices are great but you're going to want more than one of their $12 cocktails. The Blood Orange Mimosa with a dollop of strawberry sorbet is "slap whoever you're with" fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a link to my recent review...

    I love the food...but the drink prices are absolutely ridiculous. The same sentiment has been expressed on other boards too. Maybe they'll get the hint. I know some of the drinks are adventurous and use rare ingredients but $9 a piece for a standard 8 oz. bloody mary for brunch is ridiculous.
